Dance first Think later

“Dance first, think later. It’s the natural order” – Samuel Beckett 



I can’t necessarily agree that is the “natural” way to approach all things in life, but I believe that in reference to music making it most certainly is. …more…. 

It’s a river that’s flowing, and you just jump in, floating on the current, and standing on the bank. Playing the music- being totally into it, while also standing back and listening to yourself. 

Some cultures focus their music on other things …?…japanese flute?… 

The loftier goals of music are thus: 

-to help break through that anesthetic of familiarity  

-to recognize the gift of awareness  

-to help put us in a space where we can marvel at the illusion 

-to help our consciousness let go of contemplating itself  

Try to push aside the rules and guidelines, those this and that’s developed by cleaver minds.  

Gone are the multiples, your beat and note no longer encumbered by the continuing fractal divisions, frequency counts, overtone names, styles, genres and categories.  

Music uses air as a partner, composition and execution relying on our atmosphere where silence is the canvas.  

So, although music cannot travel as fast as the now, which is traveling at the speed of space, music can help us to play on that field where space emerges from time. And in that field you’re playing in the groove and it feels effortless. 

It’s a river that’s flowing, and you just jump in, floating on the current, and standing on the bank. Playing the music- being totally into it, while also standing back and listening to yourself.  

-Stan Hirsch